Ok, so this isn't really a 'date' story, but we WERE planning to go out that night and meet for the first time. ORIGINALLY, during our back and forth emails, he had said that he wanted to take me out to dinner. However, that story QUICKLY changes! What follows is the conversation of us trying to decide where to meet and what to do.
Me: So, what restaurant did you want to meet at?
Him: Did you really want to go to a restaurant?
Me: Well, that's what you said last time. Why? Would you rather go someplace else?
Him: I want to go someplace more private.
Me: (ok, how much more PRIVATE is this guy thinking we're going to get?!!) Um, ok....where did you have in mind?
NSD:: This is where I would have started to get really concerned.
H: I don't know...
M: uhm....ok, well what had you THOUGHT of doing then?
H: I don't know. I guess we can just drive around until we figure something out.
Me: (getting exasperated...AND thinking that there is no way in HELL I'm wasting gas money by aimlessly driving around Raleigh. And there's SURE no way in hell I'm getting in a car with him alone and riding around Raleigh!)
Ok, well why don't we just meet and then we can talk about where we want to go.
Him: ok.
Me: All right, well WHERE do you want to meet??
Him: well...... are you familiar with capital blvd?
Me: mostly, yes. There are a bunch of restaurants up that way. Want to meet there?
Me: well, we don't have to. BUT you don't seem to know what you want to do, and the restaurants are fairly close to me. So we could meet and then see where we wanted to go.
Him: well............hey, do you know where Advance Auto Parts is?
Me: (thinking he's trying to give me a landmark near some store or restaurant or something)
No, not really.
Him: Oh, I can give you directions. It's really easy to find, and we can just meet there around 9:00.
NSD:: This is where I would have hung up or told him I had another call coming in and never speak to him again. There is no rule saying you have to be polite to creeps.
Me: uhm...you're kidding, right?
Him: kidding? About what?
Me: First of all, I don't feel comfortable meeting some guy at an AUTO PARTS store on capital blvd after it's closed and especially at 9:00 at night!!
Me: Well, I don't know you, and quite frankly, we had already decided we'd meet at 8:00 through emails anyway. 9:00 is too late for me. Remember, I told you I have class at 8 am, and I have to get up at 6:30 to make it there on time. So I can't stay out really late.
Him: What about 8:30?
Me: No.
Him: fine...I GUESS I can make it 8. But you'd BETTER not try to leave early or anything. Cause I want to hang out with you for a long time!
NSD:: That comment is what makes me think he wasn't nieve and inexperienced but potentially very dangerous.
Me: Uhm.....ok- look, I already told you IN THE EMAIL that I'd have to leave by 9:30 so I could get home, finish up any homework I had, and get to bed. This is the whole reason of us meeting at 8, remember? YOU said 7:00 was too early in your email, so I pushed to to 8, and you agreed to it!
Him: I didn't agree to that!!
Me: Look, let's just NOT meet, ok? This whole thing is getting too complicated.
Me: Then how about this- since you don't want to go out to eat, and you don't know where you want to meet (besides Advance Auto parts!!!), let's just meet at Barnes and Nobles at Triangle Town Center. It's on capital, it's quiet (thereby fulfilling his 'private' place requirement, and, by now, *my* 'needs LOTS of lights and lots of cops/rent-a-cops around' requirements!) and we can just sit and chat. How's that?
Him: I don't know where that is.
Me: Well, I can give you directions.
Me: You go up capital blvd until you get to triangle town center- it's on your right.
Him: What if I can't find it?
Me: (ok, this guy SAID he's lived in Raleigh for 5 years, and he doesn't freaking know where TTC is?!!!)
Well, you literally CAN NOT miss it! It's a HUGE shopping center. And it says TTC too.
Him: I don't know where it is.
Me: I just gave you directions.
Him: But what if I get lost?
Me: Ok, you literally go NORTH on capital blvd. If you get to wake forest, you've gone too far.
Him: I still don't know if I can find it. Why don't we just meet at Advance Auto parts?
Me: NO, I am not meeting you at Advance Auto parts. We can meet at TTC. (And seriously, HOW can you know where one random AA store is, and NOT know where the largest shopping center in Raleigh is?!)
Him: Oh, ok. And then you can get in my car and we can just drive around until we figure out where we want to go.
Him: Oh, but I thought we were going someplace else.
Me: Well, YOU didn't know where else you wanted to go! So I picked B&N.
Him: Well, I think it's too far.
Me: (It's like another 6 whole miles up the road from the fabled AA store!!!)
Fine. We'll just not meet then.
Me: Then meet me at B&N!
Him: But I don't know where it is!
Me: I JUST gave you directions!
Him: But it's too far!!
Fine. We'll just not meet then.
Me: I'm not trying to back out of it. But I told you where I wanted to meet. So meet me at B&N!
Him: But I don't know where it is!
Me: Ok, I JUST gave you directions, remember?!?
(At this point, my mom who's been eating dinner while this utterly RIDICULOUS conversation is going on says- does he need MORE directions??
Me: That's my MOM. And she was asking if you still needed directions, because she was trying to help me give you better directions.
(And no, she was really just trying to figure out who this psychopath was, and why he still couldn't figure out where TTC is, and whether or not I was going to go through with meeting this psychopath at all!!)
Him: Because I just feel like there's somebody there who's trying to talk you out of meeting me!!
Me: (actually genius, I don't NEED anybody to talk me out of meeting you!! You've done that ALL BY YOURSELF!)
You know what, I just don't think this is going to work out. Have a nice night. Bye.
And I hung up.
Honestly, I don't know why I didn't hang up about 10 minutes earlier. I guess I just kept thinking- this can't REALLY be happening. I MUST be imagining this conversation! Sadly, I wasn't.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! I'd like to know that all my suffering wasn't completely for naught!
I'm working on the font issue guys. Please be patient and ignore my blogging errors.
Scary. It really sounds like he was going to have another guy and himself ambush you at the auto parts store! Like no kidding. That's why he intially wanted to drive around, so he could just happen to stop at the auto parts store. And when you didn't go for that, he just suggested the store itself. Like for real real.
Yes, I am FAR too polite. But hey, that's the first truly creepy experience I've ever had, so next time I'll know better.
Also, just so everyone knows- about 4 minutes into this conversation I had already decided that I wasn't meeting him anyway. I WAS however trying to get him off the phone, so I could then just not show up. He didn't know anything else about me, so me not showing up would have been perfectly ok
Just goes to show that there are creeps out there, even if they seem sane in emails!
Wow, creepy is one thing...creepy and stupid is another! Mary, I am like you, I am far too polite, even though I like to think I have a good head on my shoulders. I think what I'm most scared of is pissing off some creep and him stalking me because I offended his poor manhood by not wanting to date him!
I had a similar creep experience online, but it was more that he was just way too pushy and clingy; and then after I explained that I wasn't about to have a relationship with him, he proceeded to whine about how ronery and single he was. Jerk.
ewww...I hate whiney guys! Sorry you had to endure that.
Wow. Good for you for figuring it out before it got worse.
Stories like this make me really glad I'm married. And a lesbian. Eek.
I'm still working on the list of dating tips. I have some GREAT ones.
smottical, I would love to have some of your pre-marriage dates!
Women are conditioned to be polite instead of worrying about their safety. Believe you me I used to be too nice to guys who were creeps in the past, but I've learned the hard way to put myself first and not give a damn about hurting some fool's feelings.
I am so glad a date didn't come out of this. I was really worrying as I read the dialogue. That guy sounds beyond bizarre.
That is truly frightening. I'm so glad you didn't meet him! What a nut!
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