This story is about a STRIKE OUT!!! This wasn't an official date, this was a pre-date that went so horribly wrong that he won't get ANYWHERE near a date with me. This was after a football game with a bunch of friends. The game was a blast co-ed touch football.
DO showed up after we were done playing and brought his dog. A lot of us had their dogs there at the park and I had my dog with me. She is very well trained and has at least 20 commands. The dog he brought was very excited and didn't listen to anything. He jumped on all the people and dogs and DO had trouble getting him to stop pulling and listen.
STRIKE #1: He said my dog wasn't well behaved.
A group of us decided to go get food. He decided to join us. Some of us got to the restaurant early and he was one of them. We sat around and chatted and had some chips. One of the other people at the game had horses and then came to dinner with us so her and I were chatting away. He was trying to get in the conversation and at first was ok but then his questions were getting rude. He wanted to know why I would spend so much time with a HOBBY. I tried to explain to him that I run a horse training business and that it was more than a hobby.....it was my life.
STRIKE #2: He wanted to know how really hard it was to get a horse to just go in a circle. It can't be THAT hard!
I was SO irritated! I was politely trying to tolerate him until the rest of the crew got there and I could ignore him better. This didn't happen fast enough though. It wouldn't be my luck if it got better from here.
We quickly changed the subject to talk about the game. It was a really fun game and we were talking about who made good plays and who didn't. Laughing about how we tricked the other team. I told one of the other girls that I had tried to get her more play by throwing the ball to her while I was QB. THIS is where it got ugly.
STRIKE #3: He couldn't believe the guys on the team LET me be quarterback because I'm a GIRL!!!!
I almost went over the table. He went on and on about how football was rough on the girls and he couldn't believe guys would actually let a GIRL be QB. It wasn't pretty after that. Thankfully the other people showed up and I could be distracted.
I wasn't very nice after that though. I didn't watch what I said and I made sure to say whatever I thought. I think he got the HINT
Good thing you didn't have a gun... What a loser! I love your blog as I have had more bad dates than good ones. I can ALWAYS relate to your frustration.
Wow, totally jerk! I mean your dog not being well-behaved b/c it isn't jumping around.....hhhmmm....yeah doesn't make sense.
PS-Love the blog!
Good thing I was in public! If there weren't witnesses........who knows what would have happened to this fool?!?!?!
Thanks for reading!!!
Im a horse trainer as well..Now... it isnt that hard o get a horse to go in a circle... IT IS HARD TO GET A HORSE TO DO A SOFT SUPPLE CORRECTLY ARCED CIRCLE... Have you ever trie convincing anything that weights 1100 lbs + to do anything it didnt truely want to do?
You havent you say?? Well its alot like teaching a pig ballet...
Good thing for him you didnt have a whip in your hand when he made such a remark... I would have casterated that pig
What did this clown think he was going to achieve by insulting and questioning everything you did? He's a loser!
I actually have an update to this story! I got a text message from him telling me that dinner was horrible and he thought that I might be upset about something.
YA THINK!?!??!
He is on my "Do No Answer" list now!
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