Well I have a bad first date experience that I wanted to share. This was a few years ago. I was set up on a date with a friend of a friend. Yeah I know that spells disaster already. I was single and she said to me he is perfect for you. Why is it that when people say that they are so wrong.
Anyway. I am 5'4 he was 6'2. Now mind you I'm doing this as a favor we meet at a restaurant and he is 15 mins late. I was kind of aggravated but let it go. He gets there and he is towering over me. Kind of like Lurch from the Adams family only cuter. We get seated he apologizes.
Now I am looking at the menu and thinking about food. We order drinks and continue to look at the menu. He says do you like Star Wars? I pull the menu up and think oh for the love of pete. I'm like its an ok series. The server god bless her comes up and takes our order. He spent 3 hours talking about Star Wars. THREE HOURS. During that time he managed to grab my hand recite some monologue from the movie. I was so tired of Star Wars.
He paid the check thankfully I was past trying to say I had to go. At one point I went to the bathroom but I don't think he even noticed I was gone. It was seriously like he kept talking while I was gone.
When we were walking out he was perfect gentleman until we got to my car. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I haven't given this guy the faintest idea that I am interested in him touching me. If anything I had been giving him the cold shoulder. He asks me if I wanna go back to his place. I'm like HUH did I miss something here or what. I guess he took my silence for confirmation. He then pulls me closer and says I knew you wanted me. I'm like HUH I'm still looking at him like are you stupid. So he tries and gropes me. Now I am a gifted kind of gal. I'm built like most southern women. I am sturdy. I don't blow away in the wind. He gets more into it and leans down as if he is gonna kiss me. I just reacted. I pull away and swing my foot up and connect with his package. On his way to the ground his chin accidentally collided with my knee. I couldn't believe his nerve. When he fell I think I started yelling at him about the fact that he was a prime grade douche bag. I believe I told him he could go to hell also. I got in my car and drove off with him laying in the parking lot. On my way home I called my friend and let her know to never hook him up with anyone else. What a guy. To this day I refuse to watch Star Wars.
Tasha Crocker
Anyway. I am 5'4 he was 6'2. Now mind you I'm doing this as a favor we meet at a restaurant and he is 15 mins late. I was kind of aggravated but let it go. He gets there and he is towering over me. Kind of like Lurch from the Adams family only cuter. We get seated he apologizes.
Now I am looking at the menu and thinking about food. We order drinks and continue to look at the menu. He says do you like Star Wars? I pull the menu up and think oh for the love of pete. I'm like its an ok series. The server god bless her comes up and takes our order. He spent 3 hours talking about Star Wars. THREE HOURS. During that time he managed to grab my hand recite some monologue from the movie. I was so tired of Star Wars.
He paid the check thankfully I was past trying to say I had to go. At one point I went to the bathroom but I don't think he even noticed I was gone. It was seriously like he kept talking while I was gone.
When we were walking out he was perfect gentleman until we got to my car. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I haven't given this guy the faintest idea that I am interested in him touching me. If anything I had been giving him the cold shoulder. He asks me if I wanna go back to his place. I'm like HUH did I miss something here or what. I guess he took my silence for confirmation. He then pulls me closer and says I knew you wanted me. I'm like HUH I'm still looking at him like are you stupid. So he tries and gropes me. Now I am a gifted kind of gal. I'm built like most southern women. I am sturdy. I don't blow away in the wind. He gets more into it and leans down as if he is gonna kiss me. I just reacted. I pull away and swing my foot up and connect with his package. On his way to the ground his chin accidentally collided with my knee. I couldn't believe his nerve. When he fell I think I started yelling at him about the fact that he was a prime grade douche bag. I believe I told him he could go to hell also. I got in my car and drove off with him laying in the parking lot. On my way home I called my friend and let her know to never hook him up with anyone else. What a guy. To this day I refuse to watch Star Wars.
Tasha Crocker
OMG, I laughed so hard.
Someone talking about star wars the whole time would drive me crazy. I cracked up when I read that he hit his chin on her knee on the way down.
I LOVE this blog!!!
It's almost the same thing with me and guys who talk nothing but electronics, politics, religion, or video games. They don't seem to realize that my absent-minded "oh yeah?" responses aren't meant to egg them on.
Good for you, Guest Blogger, on putting his jerk in his place! Sometimes I wish I had some excuse to do that more often, but unfortunately, running his mouth off on such aforementioned topics isn't good enough.
I'm glad to have you piaffe!
Viatecio, you should teach a dating class for geeks. I can't tell you how many times I've used that "oh yeah?" and gotten another 30 minutes of rambling about whatever geeky activity they can't live without.
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