Dating Tips/Guidelines
-Meet in a crowded place not a bar but somewhere you can actually talk but aren't alone.
-Don't get in their car.
-Don't let them in your car. Drive separately.
-Let someone know where you are going and what time you expect to be home. Call them afterwards.
-Have a friend stalk you and eat at the same place but don't acknowledge each other.
-Don't leave your drink unattended even non-alcoholic drinks. They can be drugged too.
-Don't be the nice girl. If you get a weird vibe or the guy's being a jerk, do whatever you need to do/say to keep yourself safe. WALK AWAY if you need to.
-Don't give out your phone number until you feel comfortable with the guy. The last thing you need is some psycho stalker calling you every three minutes.
- Use an e-mail address that doesn't have your name in it. neveraseconddate at e-mail.com instead of yourfullname at e-mail.com ... in many places, property tax records are online. If guy has your name, he could very quickly have your address.
-Don't tell him where you work. Just give a general "I work in sales" or whatever. Later you can divulge details.
-Don't go to a party especially if it is at a friend of his.
-Don't go home or to a secluded place.
-Make sure they don't follow you home. I always take a different/longer route. I prefer if he leaves the parking lot first.
-I also use Google often. I'd Google the info they gave me to see what came up. I ALWAYS Google people.
-A reminder that safety doesn't apply only to the first date is in order. Someone can get weird on you on the 2nd, 3rd, 20th. Weirdoes know you will be on your guard the first time you meet them and expect you to lower it after you 'know' them better. Don't let your guard down until you've met their mother and/or sisters.
Meeting a guy's mother and any other important women in his life and seeing him interact with her/them will tell you just about everything you need to know about him.
If he's respectful and kind to his mom and she is somewhat normal acting, you're probably OK.
If he's a jerk to his mom, run.
If mom still has his baby shoes hanging from her rear view mirror even though he's 40, run.
If she still refers fondly to the era in which he was breastfeeding....Yep, run this time too.
If his sister looks like Wednesday Adams and says, "So, has my brother told you about the time he -accidentally- stabbed me?" You got it...runrunrun.
-Always be alert and I would go as far as saying don't drink on the first date.
-If I am meeting in a public place that allows dogs, I bring my dog. Do the same that is if your dog is be enough to help defend you. A potential abductor is less like to try and abduct you if you have a large protective looking dog at your side.
-Keep your purse at your side and in your sight at all times.
-Make sure your cell phone battery is fully charged. And you have your cell phone easily accessible.
-Its probably not a good idea to let the person walk you to your car. 1.) It avoids a potentially awkward situation if you don't like him 2.) It avoids the possibility of the person abducting you in your own car.
Have you heard of the safe call concept? I learned about it when I was reading a lot about BDSM stuff and general tips about going to meet a potential new play partner. I've thankfully not met anyone I've talked with online in real life, but if I ever did have any intentional meetings, I do plan to have a safe call set up, even if it's just for dinner. Like you wrote, I can be the heartless bitch and just WALK AWAY if I have to, but this is also a good option.
Thats a great idea for meeting anyone new. I try to let at least one person know that I'm going on a date where, with who, etc. Then I call them afterwards to share how funny/bad it was.
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