I am Barry today. A friend of mine and I have been hanging out a lot. We are in the horse business together and he is a great guy. One of the things I like most about him is that he lives his own life. He has things he needs to get done and doesn't completely re-arrange his life for friends. Well I should have known better....I REALLY should have.
We started hanging out more and now he is calling me daily, wanting my schedule, wants to know when he can take me to dinner, etc. He is STUCK LIKE VELCRO! I can't seem to shake this tennis ball loose! The bad news is this isn't the first tennis ball I have had. I seem to attract clingy/needy/sissy men.
Right now I'm conflicted with a way to dislodge the tennis ball while keeping a decent friendship and good horse relationship.
I mean how do you nicely say "You were attractive when I thought you were a man......but I haven't worn/needed Velcro since I was 5yrs old."?? Half-chaps don't count!
Just out and tell him that hey, you've done some thinking and with everything going on in your life right now (he doesn't need to know what, if anything!), you would prefer to stay friends. He doesn't need to know it's a selfish move, nor does he need to hear that he's making your life a living hell, just tell him you're otherwise occupied with other things that are none of his business. It's his own darn fault if he gets defensive and gives you a guilt trip about it, that just might mean that he can't stand to see you be successful and happy with what you do...WITHOUT HIM!
Just a few thoughts! And to finish, you might find this description of cling-ons (not the Star Trek kind!) to be rather spot-on. I did! I attract those guys to, but thankfully not often. In fact, I'm still trying to shake the last one's desperate grabs at my potential friendship that HE lost by being a whiny, clingy, controlling bastard. So there!
wow, thats tough. Just tell him that you think you are getting to close. You really like him, but you dont want to be more than friends. Sounds like a nice guy, so chose your words wisely because you dont want to hurt him.
Viatecio, I'm a BIG PLFM fan!
Would you guys believe that I'm getting emails from readers that want me to go out with their friends just so they will see what I will write about them?!?! Most of them are guys! Who knew I would have so many male readers.
I get stuck with these kind of losers constantly. One of the many reasons I have quit the dating scene completely.
The last one I talked to for like 20 minutes in a group setting. One of his group of friends knew one of my group of friends kind of thing - we all happened at the same place. He seemed ok, so I gave him my number after some chit chat.
Next day I come home from work and find 10 messages. He'd called more than once an hour. Every single message was the same thing 'Hi, it's *name*, please call me back I want to talk to you some more'.
Like, if I'm not going to respond to one message, why do you think I'll respond to the tenth? He called a few more times before I went to bed.
I didn't bother calling him back, figured he'd wear out sooner or later.
Nope. Every day. First call at 9 am on the dot, right up to 9 PM at night.
When I finally did bother to pick up the phone, he wanted to go out that Saturday. This was Friday. I said I'm sorry, I have plans with a girlfriend already. (which was true). He said "I don't mind other people, I'll come along, where are you going?" I said "someplace in DC, I don't know beyond that. This was her idea and she's driving, so I didn't mind any details. But I'm not sure about you coming along, I think it'd be rude to bring someone she didn't know when she's expecting just me". He says "oh you don't have to bring me, I'll meet you there.". -blink-
I responded "You'd be bored. This is a girl's night thing, we're just going to spend the night talking about people you've never met" He says "Oh I like hearing stories about people I don't know". (Ok, now we are offically creepy.)
I pointed out again that I didn't even know the name of the place she wanted to go to, he said I could call him when we got there.
I called him about two hours after we got there and gave him the name of a place on the other side of town.
Yes, he tried calling again, until I had a male friend with a very deep voice answer the phone. Scott informed him I was taken and that any man coming near me would be pummeled.
Scott was gay. ;)
I couldn't think of anything else other than a shotgun up his nose that would get rid of this guy.
If he'd acted like he had when we met, it'd been ok, but all of a sudden he has to see me NOW, no matter if I feel like it or not. And that was before we'd ever been on a date.
I can't imagine how clingy and pushy he'd have been if I'd actually been dumb enough to go out with him.
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