Guest Blogger Tammie writes:
As you have done I decided to the meet this guy off of the internet. We chatted every night, so we decided to finally meet.
Well as we were planning to meet, I asked for his cell phone number just in case I suddenly got cold feet and had to make up an excuse not to show up. I was quickly informed that he had no phone...I was like OK, well where do you want to meet. He said he really loved this Chinese restaurant about 45 minutes away from me. I asked if we could move just a little closer to where I live and we can meet there. He said well, I have to be honest with you, I don't have a car so you will have to pick me up.....Now i admit by this point I should have canceled but sheer curiosity took a hold of me I had to Mapquest his house and pick him up.
Well he lived in a section of town that was not favorable. When I went to get out of the car he came running out and was like "Make sure you locked the doors, your purse and CD player will get stolen." I was like "I'll wait for you in the car then." At this point I began questioning myself and I was like, self...why are we here again? To this day I can't come up with a good answer.
We get to his favorite restaurant and it was a hole in the wall. Once inside my feet kept sticking to the floor, and it appeared as if the place had not been cleaned in quite sometime. I said I would just get the rice and maybe some vegetables, as it was a buffet. Dinner was uneventful and we talked it was OK minus the dirty restaurant. After dinner we decided to go back to his house and watch a movie (remember we are in the bad section of town).
Once back at his house, I had to hide all of my things and I grabbed my purse to take it in. Now when I walked in the house the hallway immediately caught my attention. It was very narrow because of these huge dressers that were really really really really (did I say really) dirty! As a matter of fact the whole house was completely dirty, it had dim lighting to give the illusion of clean. At which point Mr. Bug man was like, "Do you want to meet my grandmother and the family "? Can't say no because I am in their house. So I was introduced as his next girlfriend (I promise I was definitely not). The WHOLE HOUSE was filthy, nasty, dirty!! I was like oh my goodness how do I make an exit without being completely obvious?!?! After meeting his grandmother, aunt and uncle I figured the family meet and greet was over. Little did I know there were more people upstairs. Three cousins and a best friend. I was like oh my how do I really get out now?!
Now the kitchen upstairs (yes a full kitchen upstairs) and the bathroom were completely dirty. I mean filthy nasty dirty, like he should have torn down the house and rebuilt it to make it clean. We go into his room, which is the cleanest room in the whole house (I know don't be shocked because it wasn't that clean at all). We decide on a movie and all the time I'm planning my escape. Well I start looking around the room and there was a bug crawling on the wall. ***I will take a side note to inform you guys that when it comes to crawling nasty bugs I FREAK OUT!!! I scream, I yell, I run around the house, ANYTHING to get away from the bug!*** Back to the story, after I freak out he was like oh, grabbed his shoe and killed the bug. I was like hhhmm....thats odd he acted like it is no big deal almost like this is normal, I mean he is a guy and all.....maybe he is just being macho. Nonetheless I'm scouting the walls for more bugs (now these bugs were very similar to baby roaches, so please understand the freak out). Well I spot 2 or 3 more baby roaches on the wall, at which point I'm like freak the plan for escape, just run man rrrrruuuuunnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked at my watch it was only 10:30, I was like well I have to go, its late and I have to work tomorrow and I start giving excuses that I'm sure don't make sense. Well I get up to grab my purse and I look behind me, there was a bug on the pillow I was laying on and three under me. I had to control my MAJOR FREAK OUT! He said he would walk me to the car to make sure I got there safely. In the meantime....out comes 5 or 6 more bugs it was as if they knew he had killed their cousin or something. I picked up my purse as if it was contaminated and we walked outside he tried to kiss me and I got in my car. He said the sweetest thing though "Thanks for not judging me, I can't wait to see you again" All I could say was sure....he was already totally judged.
Needless to say that was the first and last date. To this day he still emails me and that was 5 years ago....poor guy!
Be careful with guys you've just met. Never go in their houses unless you've gotten to know them better and are comfortable with them. If I were you I'd have gone with my gut feeling and canceled the date. The red flags were there and you got a funny vibe from him. This guy sounds creepy.
And he's still e-mailing you five years later? Unbelievable. Now's the time to tell him to stop e-mailing and move on.
Reading this story I can kinda see why she felt sorry for him...however the GROSSNESS and CREEPINESS FAR outweighs the pity. I took 2 showers yesterday thanks to Tammie! HAHA
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