This was actually my third date with PLP. The first was a non-eventful movie date. Something funny and we chatted in the parking lot afterwards. The second was dinner. The third........oh the third. We had decided to drive up to the mountains and go hiking. We both had the day off and even though the weather was going to be cold we were committed. I decided to bring my dog. You never know about people and if nothing else she would be a force to make someone reconsider doing something stupid. I also drove.
The plan was to meet at my house at 10am. He showed up 15 minutes late. I was annoyed that he didn't call but wasn't going to dwell on it. The first thing I noticed about him were the BLEACH white shoes he was wearing. We are going hiking and he is wearing geriatric hospital shoes. The second....was subtle at first. It was a slight odor. I thought maybe he ate something after brushing his teeth, or forgot to brush his teeth. No......a mint wasn't going to fix this at all.
We get in my truck and hit the road. After about 30 miles I realize that odor is getting stronger and it isn't' b/c he is talking. He didn't SHOWER! I know we were going hiking but I showered! The place we were going was about 1.5hrs away. It was too cold to put the windows down(35 was the high that day) so I was gasping by the time we got there.
The mountains were gorgeous and the hike was about 3 miles. Some parts were really steep. The WHOLE time I had to keep moving away from PLP. He was trying to put his arm around me or hold my hand. I was trying to climb up a MOUNTAIN. Thankfully I was able to put the dog between us most of the time.
We get back to the truck and start to head back. We stop at a little diner to get some late lunch. As we are walking in we both see a big sign on the door that says " CASH ONLY No checks or cards". We sit down, get our drinks, and order our food. After the waitress leaves the table he wants to know if I have enough cash to cover us. He only has a CC. Are you KIDDING me?!?!? I drove up here and now this tool wants to know if I can pay for lunch too. If his truck wasn't at my house I would have excused myself back home. So I pay for a not so great lunch.
We were fairly close to Asheville so we head over that way for some outlet shopping. After some very uncomfortable questions from him I decide I don't need clothes THAT bad. We start to head back. He starts offering to buy me gas. I told him that would be great. I have enough to get back to the house, lets get gas close to there. I started with a full tank and it would be nice to end with a full tank. Oh no......he starts calling out all the gas stations at upcoming exits.
When we were about 45 min from the house I finally gave in and got gas to shut him up. We get back to my house and I am beyond annoyed. He tries to invite himself in and I told him I was tired and done for the day. He goes home and I pick up the phone......laughing with friends fixes MANY bad days.
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