This picture REALLY goes with this story. The picture was taken in 1998. This guest blogger may or may not be related to me..........
My bad date was a blind date. Well, he wasn’t actually blind. I had never met him before. My hair dresser introduced me to him. She thought we were perfect for each other. We started our short dating experience by talking on the phone. That’s always safe and a good way to see if you want to go out on a real date or not. He passed the first test. So we went to dinner. We had a nice time. He said the right things and wasn’t gross or obnoxious so we went out again.
This time I started getting these weird vibes. I couldn’t really put my finger on anything exact, just a feeling. There were not any red flags waving in my face just small things. I decided that I didn’t want to go out with him any more. He just wasn’t my type. I told him, in a very nice way, that I just didn’t think we should date any longer. He seemed ok with it or at least I thought he was ok with it.
Two days later, I woke up and in my front yard were 50 pink flamingos and 1 pink elephant. There was also a HUGE sign that said, “Give it another chance. You won’t be sorry.” I was SO incredibly embarrassed. I called the pink flamingo company and nicely asked them to come and get their birds and 1 pink elephant. They said the flock only flies home at dusk. I said fine but they were not going to stay in my yard for another minute. I plucked them all up and put them in a pile at the edge of the yard.
I immediately thought of my recent dating experience and called him and told him I did not appreciate nor see the humor in those pink flamingos in my yard. He had the nerve to deny it. Who else could it be? Did he really think I would buy that one??
Moral of the story – trust those weird vibes….
This is awesome.
Seriously, awesome.
I find myself a little depressed that I'm happily married, and somehow managed to avoid getting 50 pink flamingos and one pink elephant stabbed about my own front lawn in a creepy, blank-eyed manner. You're so lucky.
I'm not sure this is inherently creepy. The reaction to this could certainly go either way though. Some women would think the effort was super sweet and start seeing him again. Some would react like you did. Could go either way, not a very safe gamble for him!
"The flock only flies home at dusk." Good lord.
Poor guy - he was trying to be creative, huh?
Some guys dont realize that something they think is sweet, might be embarassing for the one on the receiving end.
Flowers are always a safe bet.
It would have creeped me out! I think flowers would have been safer too.
Keetha, my understanding is that is what the company REALLY said!!!
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