I met this guy at a fun little pizza place. It isn't your typical pizza place, all their ingredients are fresh and they have some interesting topping combinations. I got to the shopping center early and luckily we walked up to the restaurant at the same time. He was cute and looked like his pictures.
It was nice enough to sit outside. He ordered a beer but multiple times reassured me that he was only going to have one. Said that he didn't feel like getting drunk today. We ordered some Bruscetta. He LOVES bruscetta. He went on and on and on and on about how much he loved it, how this was the only thing he could make at home, and how the olive oil made it so much better. He then went on a 20 minute olive oil tangent. About how it should replace butter and it was going to be the best thing ever. That he uses it for everything and that Rachael Ray was his idol. Mid rant he grabbed my hand and wanted to know if I regularly get my nails done and where do I get them done.
After this question I started watching his mannerisms closely. I'm not sure if Clay is ready to admit it or not but I am pretty positive he is gay. We had good conversations. He seemed like a really nice guy. Works for Wachovia and spends WAY too much on his apartment.
He also shared a LOT of personal financial information that I didn't need to know. He talked about collection letters, how he couldn't figure out how to get his car registered, how he had credit card problems, and again he is dropping $800 a MONTH in rent for his apartment.
He paid for lunch and we went our separate ways.
Well, apparently Clay came out of the closet not too long ago. Maybe your date will be next? Who knows?
Well. Atleast you're getting several free lunches and dinners. :-)
I don't think I could manage to come up with 20 minute's worth of stuff to talk about with olive oil!!! How is that possible??
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