Brittany is up to her old tricks again! This story was sent to me this morning by a friend of mine. I'm excited to have my first bad date story from the guy's side.
Lani writes:
I am Lani, a man in his mid 20's and I've always had my share of Bad Dates and awkward situations. My last date by far took the cake on my strangest first date ever. I met Brittany a few weeks ago while playing putt-putt with some friends. We talked about our mutual interest in biking a lot. So we exchanged numbers and agreed to talk later. So I called her later that week and went biking. I could tell that there was a mutual interest between us so at the end of the day biking, I asked her out for drinks on saturday night. She enthusiastically agreed and said I would call her on saturday and make final plans about when and where.
So on saturday we make plans to meet at a local bar. She also says that a really good friend of hers is going on a first date also that night, that maybe we could meet up with them at some point. I thought that would be a good idea.
I get to the bar and we have a few glasses of wine and everything is going really well. I am trying to read her body language. Even though the couches are not full or cramp, she's always making a point to be sitting where she is making some kind of contact with me. So I am reading all this like the night is going good. Then the power went out at the bar we are at. So at this point we agree to drive across town to another bar where her friend and date were at.
She leaves her car at the first bar and rides with me in my car to the next bar. So we spend the next couple of hours at the next bar which has just about any beer you can think of from all over the world. So I suggest we play the game of we both pick a drink from the list for each other but it has to be something neither one of us have ever tried before. We do a couple of rounds of this. She wanted to go for a third round of high gravity beer, I said I'd buy her another, but I'm going to have to sit this round out, since I would be the first one driving and did not think I needed to drink anymore.
At this point everything seems to be going well. I know at this point you're probably thinking "This sounds like a great date". I was thinking the exact same thing at this point. She was giving all the good signals, we were even handholding. So then she goes to the restroom. And I'm thinking of suggesting walking over to the local IHOP to cool off.
Well 10 minutes later she still has not come back. Her friend goes to check on her and comes back and says "I know she is not doing this crap again". Well at this point I am informed that she has a problem that when she drinks alcohol, she manages to go "wander off" So we wait another 45 minutes, me and her friend both tried to call her phone several times. Nothing no response at all. Her friend says I really should not take it personal. That in the restroom she seemed really excited to be out with me. That she has done this same thing to her at least 4 times in the past.
So I'm really kinda worried at this point, but her friend assured me, that she always manages to get home when she does this, to not worry about her. So I eventually go on home. My phone calls were never returned.
However I did get a email on Sunday Night from her apologizing and saying she does that every now and then, saying that after she wander'd off. She wrecked her car and was arrested for DUI. But she had fun and would love to hang out again. So I still don't know how she got 6 miles across town to her car in the first place. Hopefully it was by cab. So if there ever is a second date, I can guarantee alcohol will NOT be involved.
Don't waste your time, Lani... She definitely has an alcohol problem. But thanks for sharing!
Wow.. he would even consider a second date..!?!?! She sounds like a kook.. run! :)
wow, she has a problem. There are plenty of normal girls out there without problems like that. Not only did she get drunk and wander off, but she drove drunk! Im glad she got caught.
If you go on a second date, please share again.
Um... second date? Are you NUTS? You're a grown man, not a babysitter for some immature brat. Just remember that!!
36 & Single
If you can't see where this is heading - hey go have a second date with her. Sounds like you deserve each other.
You probably will get her in the sack and then all you have to worry about is her vomiting on you.
...Second date? Seriously?
Dude, grow a brain. Don't waste your time with this girl. There are plenty of girls out there who are into bikes and beer, and who don't wander off and get arrested for DUI. Find one of those girls.
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