I went to a lunch date today. I was meeting a 6' NYer that loves dogs. I met a hyper SHORT little man that was owned by his dog!!!
He was 7-8 minutes late without an apology. The place he picked wasn't open for lunch so we walked over to a burger joint. I had never been there before and it was GREAT, I wish the date was as good as the food.
He was more worried about finding out what things that I knew how to do that he didn't than anything else. It was like he was trying to find someone to tile his kitchen, put down hardwood floors, and train his dog.
He recently bought a house and he wants its value to go up. So he wanted to know what I could do to HELP!!! OMG!!!! Do I LOOK like Norm Abram?!?!?!?!(New Yankee Workshop)
I'm not here to help him sell his damn house!!!
Then he says he is going to call me soon and our second date we can bring our dogs so I can help him with a few of his dog's issues. UGH
There will NOT be a second date!!
On another really funny note I'm on eharmony. Thinking there will be less tools since there is an actual process before you get to talk to someone....boy was I wrong. I was told the other day (after 2 days of comminicating) that I was just too ugly for his style. ROFLMAO!!!!
A friend of mine and I were discussing men today. Where did all the men go? The real men, the men that take the initiative and approach a woman, that call her, that understand that pursuing a woman is ATTRACTIVE.