Yes this was another interesting date last Thursday night. I'm sorry I haven't had a lot of dates recently. I love this blog but it gets hard to keep going out on HORRIBLE dates. I would love just a decent date....well on to the story.
Fred and I met for dinner. He works in the IT department but isn't one of the SUPER geeks. I think that would have actually been better.
Dinner was ok. I think he was a little nervous so he rambled a little bit. He was a little funny though. I did have to force a few laughs.
After dinner I was thinking that it wasn't so bad, I wasn't super attracted to him but at least I didn't have anything to blog about. This is where I should have gone home....instead I let him talk me into going bowling. It was still relatively early so I went.
I guess this is where the TMI and blog worthy stuff came out!
He has 2 cats. They don't have names.
He has rats. NOT the in the cage type....the in the kitchen cabinets type.
His rats are so big they scare the nameless cats.
He makes $60,000(my mom would be happy).
He lives in a singlewide trailer that needs to be condemed.
The trailer has holes in the floor.....probably how the rats get in.
All of this is OK in his mind because he has a WALL of speakers attached to all this homemade computers.