Meg writes:
So, I was really interested in this guy, Jason. I was a little intimidated, though, because he's very smart and very cute and he totally knew it. We ended up getting movie tickets but the showing wasn't for an hour so we decided to wander around the only open place in the nearby vicinity.
It was pretty late at night and everything else was closed. So we went to Circuit City and talked about movies we've seen/liked/blah blah blah. I was incredibly bored with Circuit City but having lots of fun with Jason. We were just standing there talking and he's fiddling with something in his back pocket. I see something fall out of his pocket. It's a small, square, metallic type material. Oh yeah, Magnum condom. I almost died. He turned bright red and scooped it up off the floor. At the time, I just thought it was funny and I thought he must have been so embarrassed, not realizing that "oh maybe he's expecting something tonight and that he's got something to say about the size of his package..." Genius.
So we went to see the movie and by the time it ended it was about 12:30 AM. Nothing happened at the movie. He was a gentleman. I think he was still embarrassed about the condom.
We were heading home (I knew him for a while so that's why I was comfortable being in car alone with him.) on the backroads and we come to a stop sign. I'm talking about waffles or something stupid and I hear this screeching. I looked up toward the curve in the road to our left and there's this car FLYING through the curve and clearly the driver is drunk. There was no time to do anything. The other car hit a pothole and spun sideways and hit us.
Everyone was ok but both cars were totaled and Jason had a bad bone bruise on his hip since the car hit his side. I had a minor concussion from hitting my head on the window. Later, when I crawled back into the car to get the insurance information, I found two more condoms in the glove compartment. This time I poked my head back out the window at handed them over and said, "Magnum, huh?"
This my first happy ending (get your minds out of the gutter!) story. Meg tells me that her and Magnum have been dating for 3 years and are engaged. YAY!